Personal Background

Coming from an English family that lived in the Netherlands, I have always navigated myself between two languages and cultures. When I started travelling in my late teens, I found myself further drawn to experiencing the large diversity of different cultures in our world, and exploring the freedom and beauty that life has to offer.


I completed two separate masters in Cognitive and Clinical Psychology at Maastricht University and the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. After graduating, I spent a number of years working at the renowned centre for Addiction Services ‘De Jellinek’, in Amsterdam.


During and after my University studies, I travelled extensively throughout Asia and Latin America. Amongst others, I worked as a Dolphin trainer & Divemaster in Honduras and as a Psychologist in Bolivia, working with an NGO for gender based violence. Besides English and Dutch, I am also fluent in Spanish.


I came to New Zealand in 2010, where I have spent 7 years working in Community Mental Health teams as well as Crisis teams for the District Health Boards. Since 2018, I have been working in private practice. Further, I am a trained Relationship Therapist and ACC approved provider for Sensitive Claims.